Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye '09 Hello '10

Greetings after 5 months. Have been drawn into enjoying and slacking and doing everything else except studying since A's!!!( ok except for blogging) Awesome.... anyway decided to come back here to usher in the New Year, and also recall some of the huge events that happend last year. (ok this is just a lame excuse for not wanting to upload pictures of facebook. haha)

First of was the ultimate out-of-the -world insanely good Taiwan Grad Trip of 6C12'09!!!!
Wow I can't believe how we actually managed to knit such strong bonds in just 5 days! Think of the number of outings we had after that. hahaha. The trip was perfect! Countless memories, beautiful weather and to top it off, an awesome bunch of people! Love you guys:D Shall blog about it another day haha. Can't wait for 2nd Jan! Cya all there:)

At the Airport!

Next was D'PROM! It was so nice to see everyone take time and effort to dress up! Bet everyone had a great time, and practically everyone was engrossed in taking pictures! Haha. Gonna miss the huge Dunmanian Family!! DHS!>

House Comm!!

Looking great;)


Anyway yep had a Christmas gathering on the 25th! Invited the guys over for dinner, bball, taboo, and some movies! Had a great time catching up with everyone, must must must make sure everyone keeps on contact!! Hope everyone had a great time! Oh not forgetting the Christmas exchange! Thanks for the boxers Kawai...:D Shall blog about this again soon... hahaha.
Christmas Gathering At My Place!

Pray for grandma that she'll be fine!! Got warded into hospital yesterday night, spent my countdown there with her!:D Hope all you people out there are enjoying a superbbbb 2010!

Have a great 2010 and all the best in everything you guys do!! Enjoy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

it's been a while...

Gosh have'nt had the time to pop by here in ages! No idea why I decided to come by now anyway._. CTs just ended not too long ago....sigh really bad! Got to step up and discipline myself real good now. 4months, just one stretch left to perservere on and it's over! Let's do this!

On a side note.. my bball season is over!): Cant believe it all past so fast in this 6 years. But through all of this, I believed I have learned something from every player I played with, every coach I've trained under, making me what i am today. Makes me wonder sometimes why don't I display the spirit and discipline in my school work like I do on court. HOPEFULLY I CAN IN THIS CRUCIAL PERIOD OF TIME. sigh

Shall post again soooooooon, i hope!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

17 Again!

Weekend's arrived!!! Am so glad that next week's going to be a rather relaxed one, except for economics test._. Have to catch up within this 2 days! Anyway it has been a greaaat friday! Finally found some time to squeeeeeze in and managed to catch a movie with Zx :D
17 Again! How nice(:

It's a really good movie! For those that have'nt had the time to watch it, make time to do so! Although I'm like....still 17-.- but! I would surely relieve it if I could, so I would have studied harder... 

But the movie had a really nice family feeling to it, as well as all those funny moments! After the movie it was like a mad rush because we both had trainings! Thankfully it went well and hopefully you were'nt that...late! 

And today's the 2nd match for the Paya Lebar Cup! Won Team DOS on Thursday night, and up against RI today. Hopefully we won't put too much pressure on ourselves and enjoy the game! Tagawa!

田川 u18!

Hopefully we get to take a new photo soon!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back from Mars.

Hello World : D

Wooo have been away from here for almost 1 month! Toooo busy to blog i guess._. Anyway lots of past updates and pictures to upload!! And also many birthday wishes!(some belated) April's the best month :D Cheers to all April babies!

Now for the Student Council 09 Investiture! Our grand hand-over to the juniors! (And I even got to be in a blazer!) There's a first for everything, I suppose. 

House Comm Looking Cool As Usual!

Here's the few pictures that I felt we look greaaaaaaaat! It sort of made me think how we all would be like in the years to come, and how much I'll miss you guys! Oh well, and everyone will say " Stop being emo...." 

Greatest 4 Vice-Captians In the Universe
Ray Chow Samson Lee Andrew Zee Leonard Loo
What more could you ask for?

Well you could choose The Treasurers
Javier Su Eugene Ng Goh Hong Wen Ivan Tam
Who make a great bunch!

Or these crazy bunch of gays.

But eventually You would still agree
We're still the best choice!

However, these 8 of us actually came from very different backgrounds. Let's take a trip back in time!

Mr Goh Hong Wen
Mugger aka Mugger

Mr Andrew Zee

                                                   Mr Javier Su
                                                 Sleeping Beauty

Mr Samson Lee Gong Hao
Who's Your Daddy? ^^

                                                            Mr Leonard Loo
                                  The Man Who Cant Be Around, most of the time.

                                                 Mr Ray Chow
                                              Hip Hop BoyboyZ

                                                        Mr Ivan Tam
                                                 Our Campus Superstar

                                              Mr Eugene Ng Jun Kian
                                             Handsome Monkey Man

                     And these 8 crazy weird people formed the V.Capts and Treasurers!! 

Hahaha TradeMark Face!

With such a crazy group of people, 4 Great Domineering Radiant Powerful Spectacular Females had to be called upon to control us...... 

K-pop Hoo Haa Girl


Blur Queen:D


Yes so together we form the Pioneer Batch of House Comm!!! The best besT beST bEST BEST-est one ever. Although our term just flew by like that, I'm sure we'll never forget the wonderful memories that we had! :D

                                                Senior High's First Sports Carnival! Woo!

Coolest Vice Capts in the WORLD.

Haha alright this is like a super lengthy post because of the pictures! But it surely will bring back lots of memories whenever I see it again! Happy belated wishes to HongWen Thaddeus Ziren XuanChen in April! April is the best month where legends are born. Woo!

Have a good week ahead!

p/s: CONGRATS on your superb wins! Continue to work hard and crush the remaining team! Star player! Take care(:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Great effort team!

Hey guys we played a great game today. We proved to everyone that we're no pushovers, and we, Dunman High, have the right to be contesting any team in the league. Damn right we shocked you today AJC. But it was a good game, cheers to weixian jiahong and desheng! Cmon guys this isnt the time to be down or anything, treat it like a warm up, learn from our experiences, and let's crush the next 4 teams. real proud of you guys on the court today, great job(: 1,2,3 TEAM!

Also, i want to thank all the Dunmanians for spending your afternoon coming down to support us, we greatly appreciate it. Sorry we blew it at the last quarter, but I'm certain your presence really helped us alot. Thanks again from all of us(:

To the VJC guys, thanks for cheering us on too, you guys go smash the remaining teams in your groups too, will be cheering you guys on too. All the best!

p/s: Sorry I could'nt win it for you! Roar. I'll do my best for the rest of the games. Thanks for coming down too(: Meanwhile, remember to focus and continue training hard, jiayou!

Aim not for the rim, but for what lies beyond it-Our Goal!
One team, one dream

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Laughter, Life, Live It!

March Hols is coming to an end already! With just the weekend left to complete (hopefully) all the remaining holiday homework left, I must say it has been a tremendous week for me! Although it was physically tiring due to the lack of sleep, it has really been a wonderful experience. 5 days of camping in school with 2 groups of people who are super important to me, SCs and the ballers. I've learned so much from all of you, and I hope that all these takeaways from the camps that we've endured and pulled through would slowly mould me into a more mature person! :D It has really been the most fulfilling March Holidays ever! 

SC March Camp 
To our great disappointment, there was'nt going to be paintball OR night cycling for us ): It was a really bad start to the day since that was what we, the Year 6s, were looking forward to. Instead, the 3 day camp was packed with lectures and rehersals. Even so, we decided to see what was installed for us!


A game to start our moody day, and to fuel this mood was the rainy weather! Nevertheless we had a great time! Especially my group, Group 1! We had to participate in a series of activites and our aim to was earn as money points per game so as to accumulate points (money) so that we could bid for our robot parts at the final stage of the game! I thought that my team did exceptionally well, in terms of teamwork and having fun(: Although we did'nt manage to get the most amount of points, meaning we would have lesser purchasing power over the other 3 groups in terms bidding for the iRobot parts, WE STILL WON THE BEST MADE ROBOT(: This shows that money can't buy everything, can it? :D

Champion Robot Team 1!
Yep super love Team 1! Hopefully I'll be able to get to know all of you even better in the days to come! For the rest of the afternoon, we had a talk on public speaking before I left for evening basketball training with the team. Returned back to camp for some project management skills, followed by the Day 1's reflections before the Year 5's had their lights out! But for us Year 6s, Mugger Mode! ON. Unfortunately, after about an hour of work, most of us were pretty hungry.. so we ordered McDelivery! After eating we all just floated back to the classroom and lazed around before falling asleep one by one. *curse the mozzies*

Ivan, who could'nt take it anymore after talking about Emma Watson through the night.
Cherie, whose grandmother knitting powers began to show late at night.

V, who looks WIDE (eyed) awake!
E, with his classic face. :D

Day 2!
Woke up after sleeping for about 5 hours on the table, it was alright:D We had rehersal for SC investiture in the morning! And after lunch we had the whole afternoon off! So when the Drakon comm decided to go to Parkway to get their props for the handover to the Year 5s, six free souls decided to head down to Kallang Leisure Park!

And our Journey begins...illustrated with pictures!

Hmm..where shall we go?!

How about KLP!!

Sian, i hate walking.

Yea! Wht not? Chocolate Ice Cream!

So E decided to walk, but he could'nt take it anymore.

And so he decided to walk like that.

Quite fast, eh?

Beautiful picture, but the weather was scorching hot!

And it slowly sapped our energy one by one...

With the weakest link showing his usual side effects first.

With the rest of us melting shortly after that....

But hey! Our knight under the Shining Sun stood up against it and said:
"I will Lead you, my people"  (English translated)
"我们走吧,姐姐,我来带路。"  (Original Chinese version)

Yes! KLP is in sight! Behind all this greenery....finally!

And we got our rewards! Just like in Heaven!
The Gelato Gals!

The Cool Yoguru BoyZzZz

Woooo! Had a really wonderful time :D!
And to end it off, met the rest back in school took a nice shot!!

What a super goooood camp! 

Alright I'm ending here for today! Will continue about the Bball camp sooooooooon! Good luck with mugging people!

p/s: Had a greaaaaaaaaaat time with you too! Can't wait for V's picture!:D

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shock The World

Yikes it's the March Holidays already! And they're fully booked, sheeesh._. (SC Camp Bball Trainings) I hope i get to complete my holiday homework... But Term 1 has been a good start for me i guess! Finally..I have began to embrace Maths and I will aim to get an A from Term 2 onwards! To all my Maths Teachers from Junior High till now, Mdm Tay (1F), Miss Ngau (2F), Miss Low SH ( 3G,4G), Mrs Chang PC (5C12,6C12), I will not let all of you down! Hahaha : D Anyway, can really see that everyone has been mugging! (if not, closet mugging) And that's great! Our aim is to Shock The World anyway, so let's go all out to achieve it! 

A Division is just round the corner! Start of Term 2, Beginning of A Div 09, most importantly, it IS the last tournament that we, the Year 6s, will be taking part in together. From Year 1s till now, we've always believed that we had the most potential remember? (winning our senior batches ^^) I feel that we have improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and that we are taking the final step towards achieving our goals! So during this last week of training, let's make every drop of sweat worth it. Because we CAN do it.

Every Shot Counts. Make it or Break it.

Training was crazy yesterday! Have not been pushed to such an extent in a long while, reminds me of the Clovis Coach days where we literally ran 'till like there's no tommorrow-.-'. And start having all the side effects after that. Well, every coach has their own training methods(:

Going off for a friendly match now, hope everything goes well! 101% team! Can't wait for the next week to start! Looking forward to SC camp and Bball camp! It'll probably be the last time that the Year 6s SCs can get together again before we officially step down. Cheers to the wonderful memories. (I hope I remember to bring my camera..)   *love HC!*

No SCs in the WORLD beat this group of talented individuals!

p/s: Happy 9th Month! Continue to keep your training spirit up Up UP!