Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye '09 Hello '10

Greetings after 5 months. Have been drawn into enjoying and slacking and doing everything else except studying since A's!!!( ok except for blogging) Awesome.... anyway decided to come back here to usher in the New Year, and also recall some of the huge events that happend last year. (ok this is just a lame excuse for not wanting to upload pictures of facebook. haha)

First of was the ultimate out-of-the -world insanely good Taiwan Grad Trip of 6C12'09!!!!
Wow I can't believe how we actually managed to knit such strong bonds in just 5 days! Think of the number of outings we had after that. hahaha. The trip was perfect! Countless memories, beautiful weather and to top it off, an awesome bunch of people! Love you guys:D Shall blog about it another day haha. Can't wait for 2nd Jan! Cya all there:)

At the Airport!

Next was D'PROM! It was so nice to see everyone take time and effort to dress up! Bet everyone had a great time, and practically everyone was engrossed in taking pictures! Haha. Gonna miss the huge Dunmanian Family!! DHS!>

House Comm!!

Looking great;)


Anyway yep had a Christmas gathering on the 25th! Invited the guys over for dinner, bball, taboo, and some movies! Had a great time catching up with everyone, must must must make sure everyone keeps on contact!! Hope everyone had a great time! Oh not forgetting the Christmas exchange! Thanks for the boxers Kawai...:D Shall blog about this again soon... hahaha.
Christmas Gathering At My Place!

Pray for grandma that she'll be fine!! Got warded into hospital yesterday night, spent my countdown there with her!:D Hope all you people out there are enjoying a superbbbb 2010!

Have a great 2010 and all the best in everything you guys do!! Enjoy!

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