Yikes it's the March Holidays already! And they're fully booked, sheeesh._. (SC Camp Bball Trainings) I hope i get to complete my holiday homework... But Term 1 has been a good start for me i guess! Finally..I have began to embrace Maths and I will aim to get an A from Term 2 onwards! To all my Maths Teachers from Junior High till now, Mdm Tay (1F), Miss Ngau (2F), Miss Low SH ( 3G,4G), Mrs Chang PC (5C12,6C12), I will not let all of you down! Hahaha : D Anyway, can really see that everyone has been mugging! (if not, closet mugging) And that's great! Our aim is to Shock The World anyway, so let's go all out to achieve it!
A Division is just round the corner! Start of Term 2, Beginning of A Div 09, most importantly, it IS the last tournament that we, the Year 6s, will be taking part in together. From Year 1s till now, we've always believed that we had the most potential remember? (winning our senior batches ^^) I feel that we have improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and that we are taking the final step towards achieving our goals! So during this last week of training, let's make every drop of sweat worth it. Because we CAN do it.

Every Shot Counts. Make it or Break it.
Training was crazy yesterday! Have not been pushed to such an extent in a long while, reminds me of the Clovis Coach days where we literally ran 'till like there's no tommorrow-.-'. And start having all the side effects after that. Well, every coach has their own training methods(:
Going off for a friendly match now, hope everything goes well! 101% team! Can't wait for the next week to start! Looking forward to SC camp and Bball camp! It'll probably be the last time that the Year 6s SCs can get together again before we officially step down. Cheers to the wonderful memories. (I hope I remember to bring my camera..) *love HC!*

No SCs in the WORLD beat this group of talented individuals!
p/s: Happy 9th Month! Continue to keep your training spirit up Up UP!
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