I really wished i had unlimited unlimited energy!!! This way the word stamina won't be in my dictionary._. and i could keep playing on forever! Roar.
But yep anyway today we had our first proper friendly match with Pioneer JC! (Thanks for coming over!) It was a really good experience for us and i felt that many of my teammates as well as myself have managed to take something from this match to improve our personal skills and our team! Great job guys, with just 3 weeks left, let us give it our all and go through the hellish training coach has installed for us. DHSBBALL A DIV 09, TEAM!
Not forgetting the supporters today as well. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you guys! It was really encouraging and I believe the team really appreciated all your support! We'll promise to continue to train hard and not let you guys (and ourselves) down! Thank you everyone once again,the volleyballers, hostel mates, and especially my buddies REY (Ray Eugene Yuhong) lol-.- and my classmates from 6c12(: Will try my best to support you guys in your upcoming challenges as well! You guys train hard too! (SYF and Soccer)
The Real RAY (Ray Andrew Yuhong) :D
Today is a relatively important day for Dunman (Senior) High as well! It's our pioneer batch of IP(Thru Trained) students getting their A Level results! Although the results may not have been that good, I believed everyone did their best and we did fairly well! As the 2nd batch of students, we will come up stronger and do better to meet the expectations the school has set for us! Study hard everyone(: All the best to all our 08 seniors!
Lastly, had dinner at the newly revamped KFC with....Xuan Chen Hongyi Eugene Ray Nicholas Hongwen Derek Javier YuanMing! It really did undergo an extreme makeover(Probably because it was inferior to Mcdonald's just across it) The state that is was before..ughh. But we had a great time catching up and all! Now we all know Eugene is Plankton from Spongebob Sqaurepants!

School work/stress has been increasing at an increasing rate as the months go by, and *poof* Term 1 is at it's last week already! Even so, I believe all of us have started getting into the mood, (if not already in the mood), to work hard for our final year!
Alright time to rest!! Shagged._.
p/s: Thank YOU for coming down too, it really made a difference to know that you were there cheering me on! All the best for your friendly tmr!
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