Hey guys we played a great game today. We proved to everyone that we're no pushovers, and we, Dunman High, have the right to be contesting any team in the league. Damn right we shocked you today AJC. But it was a good game, cheers to weixian jiahong and desheng! Cmon guys this isnt the time to be down or anything, treat it like a warm up, learn from our experiences, and let's crush the next 4 teams. real proud of you guys on the court today, great job(: 1,2,3 TEAM!
Also, i want to thank all the Dunmanians for spending your afternoon coming down to support us, we greatly appreciate it. Sorry we blew it at the last quarter, but I'm certain your presence really helped us alot. Thanks again from all of us(:
To the VJC guys, thanks for cheering us on too, you guys go smash the remaining teams in your groups too, will be cheering you guys on too. All the best!
p/s: Sorry I could'nt win it for you! Roar. I'll do my best for the rest of the games. Thanks for coming down too(: Meanwhile, remember to focus and continue training hard, jiayou!

Aim not for the rim, but for what lies beyond it-Our Goal!
One team, one dream